Acne is an eruptive skin disease which occurs most commonly around the ages of puberty, especially in adolescents and young adults. Acne, in extreme cases can be extremely burdensome and embarrassing. In some people, it can even be disfiguring. The most common form which occurs in adolescents is called Acne vulgaris, while the extreme form is called Acne conglobata. There are other forms, for example, the one caused by chlorinated compounds (chloracne), and Acne rosacea.
The common form is usually caused by hormonal changes taking place in the body. Hormones stimulate the production of sebum, and if this is not washed away from the skin, accumulates, and blocks the sweat pores. Outbreaks of acne can be controlled by several means, both natural and cosmetic. The natural therapies would be examined below.
With the prevalence of so many anti-acne medications nowadays, the decision to select the perfect cure for acne becomes mind-boggling. Most people do not even think about a natural cure anymore. Most commercial facial cleansers are harsh on the face, not to even talk of the side effects of the synthetic therapeutic agents. Another drawback to this is the high cost of some of these medications. Although there are different home remedies for acne, finding the most suitable one should not be very difficult. Some of the tips are enumerated below:
1. Facial cleansing. It is very important that you wash your face at least twice daily with soap and water. A sulfur-based soap is more preferable. If that is not accessible, then you can stick with an ordinary soap. The best times to wash should be first thing in the morning, especially when you have just woken up, and right before you go to bed at night. While washing, be gentle with your face – do not use any rough sponge or cloth. Doing this can actually stimulate the sweat glands to secrete more sebum, thereby causing more acne.
2. Never pick or squeeze pimples or blackheads. As tempting as this may be, never attempt to squeeze blackheads or pimples. Doing this will increase the production of sebum. Also, this makes your skin liable to infection, causing sebum to spread subcutaneously leading to more pimples.
3. Never wear your make-up to sleep. Leaving your cosmetics on overnight actually contributes to clogging the pores, predisposing your skin to more pimples. If you have to use make-ups at all, try and use water-based types. Also, wash it off your face before you sleep every day.
4. Drink lots of water. A lot has been said, and is still being said, about the therapeutic effects of water. However, in this context, constant intake of water helps to keep the skin moisturized. Taking at least eight glasses of water daily would go a long way in preventing and hastening the healing of acne.
5. Good nutrition. Malnutrition plays an important role in the development of pimples. The quantity and quality of food we eat influences almost all the processes that goes on in our bodies. Improper diet, in one way or the other, may affect the skin in the long run, and make the skin liable to the development of acne. This is why some natural therapist would tell you to go for raw potatoes, a particular kind of fruit, or something. Actually, the Vitamin C contained in these vegetables assists in the normal development of the skin (specifically, the production of collagen) and protects against the invasion of microorganisms.
6. Use of natural astringents. An example is leafy mangoes, which can be accessed at any nearby grocery store. Natural astringents help in deep cleansing of the pores. The leafy mangoes should be boiled for about five minutes, and allowed to cool. When the temperature becomes bearable, it can be applied to the face. In severe cases of acne, the mango can be allowed to soak overnight, and the procedure undertaken first thing in the morning. This is one of the best natural ways to clean your blocked pores.
7. Honey mask. Researches have shown that honey has a lot of antibacterial properties, and so, it is a great natural agent that can be used for disinfecting and healing minor skin blemishes. As far as the days of the Roman empire, honey has been used repeatedly to treat wounds. It also help prevent the formation of scar tissue. Honey can also serve as a moisturizer. Although, applying honey to your skin may look a bit weird, I can assure you that this would yield outstanding results, especially in conjunction with some of the other methods outlined above. You may apply it few minutes before a shower to make removing it easier.
8. Eat lots of carrots. Carrots contain beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A. Vitamin A, just like Vitamin C helps protect the skin by strengthening the protective layer of the skin. It also helps reduce the production of sebum. Another major function of Vitamin A is its ability to function as an antioxidant. Antioxidants rid the body of toxins, especially the free radicals. Researches have actually linked a deficiency of Vitamin A to the development of acne.
9. Consume foods rich in chromium and zinc. The use of chromium is common in weight-losing diets, but it is also important for healing skin infections and inflammation. Zinc has antibacterial properties and is an important constituent of oil-producing glands on the skin. A deficiency of these elements can predispose to the formation of acne. If you cannot identify or access foods that contain these elements, you can take elemental supplements containing these two elements at least once a day. Taking these supplements will help in healing the skin, and also prevent pimples.
10. Clean or replace your pillowcase fortnightly. Your pillowcase is usually the only piece of fabric that comes in contact most frequently with your face everyday. It also absorbs dirt and oils from your face. Using the same pillowcase for a very long time causes the reapplication of absorbed oil and dirt to your face, thus causing breakouts of pimples. Frequent washing or replacement of your bed sheets and pillowcases would help prevent this.
A lot of people live under a wrong impression that these natural remedies are just old wives’ tales, and that they do not really work. Little do they know that right in their cupboards and kitchens lie the most cost effective therapies that can help them get rid of their acne. As a common concluding statement goes, “…a trial will surely convince you.” I can only hope that you would try out some of these inexpensive, time-proven remedies for the successful eradication of your acne.