Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas…Through My Eyes

Christmas for me has always been a very reserved moment, usually a quiet celebration possibly because of the way I was brought up. It is usually devoid of the elaborate celebrations, screaming, eating, drinking, partying, fireworks, exchange of gifts, and all the likes. Most often, it is usually a quiet moment, spent together in reflection as a family where we share a wonderful meal together, with the bond of unity coursing silently through our veins and at the same time, experiencing the togetherness, friendship, and all the goodness that the season brings.

This time around, I am spending my Christmas among a new group of people, my first Christmas away from home. At first, I balked at the idea of having to be on call on Christmas day, of all days. Knowing at the back of my mind that I didn’t have much choice, I had to accept the responsibility of taking care of the health needs of quite a number of people.

The day started like every other day, waking up early to the sound of Christmas chimes echoing from a faraway church steeple, stepping out on deserted roads as most people were holed up in their houses or churches, celebrating Christmas and trying to experience the cheer, the love, the goodness that the season brings. One after the other, I began to attend to the needs of these people, most of them helpless, needing a little help here and a word of comfort there. It was then that it struck me! If I was complaining that I couldn’t spend my own Christmas with my family, what about these people who had no choice but to spend theirs on a hospital bed. Was it really their choice? If they had their way, would they have preferred to spend it the way they did? It was then that I set out to making the day a wonderful one for them as much as possible. My grumblings which had by now grown wings and flown away, I approached each one with radiant smiles, listened to their concerns attentively and do everything within my power to lighten their burdens, whatever it may be. By the time I ended my shift, I was on cloud nine.

This is what I think Christmas is; a time to spread some cheer, a time to show love and affection in the best way possible, a time to tell that person next to you that he or she is important and valued, a time to make someone else happy. Looking back, the season itself celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, a personality who exhibited great selflessness and paid the utmost price of all. Ordinarily, I think this should be the whole essence of Christmas.

Christmas is for most people one of their most nostalgic moments. We remember our childhood days, the experiences that came with Christmas time, the sharing of gifts you’ve waited all year long to receive asides the ones you got on your birthday. I’m sure that for most people, this is one of the happiest moments of our lives. In the spirit of the season, it would be most appropriate to share some of the happiness with others. Furthermore, in all the eating and drinking, and partying, we should all set aside some time to consider the whole essence of the season and make someone out there happy. As for me, I’m glad I never got to spend Christmas anywhere else; and I’m sure I’ll never forget the thrill and fulfillment that came with it.

Once again, Merry Christmas to y’all.

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