It’s a beautiful world…sounded the refrains of a song from Westlife’s “Beautiful World” track. Coming to think about it, life is beautiful and we live on a beautiful and unique planet – provided you see it this way. Tucked away in a calm and serenading environment, in the midst of lush green vegetation and tall palm trees swaying lightly in the gentle morning breeze, the sunrise mixed with the whistling of swallows and chirping of cicadas, the water flowing swiftly in the brook beyond and the beautiful white clouds becoming more vivid against the blue sky, ready to radiate the warmth of the sun, and the start of a wonderful new day; the beauty of our world is vividly reflected.
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Oftentimes, we fail to notice the beauty of the world around us, especially due to the fact that we are always caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Most often, we get swamped and drowned up to our necks in the routines of the rat race – always so concerned about making sure tomorrow is secured, and forgetting about today. And in a lot of instances, the end result is not often as palatable as we hoped it would. Our health sometimes suffer, our families feel abandoned, close relationships become strained, and occasionally, the cords of friendship broken.
Miccom Golf and Hotel Resorts, Ada. Courtesy: |
Life can be seen as a river that a lot of people jump in without ever really deciding where exactly they want to end up. Often, it is when we get sucked in by the swirling current, hit a rock downstream or a few meters away from a steep fall, that we realize the occasional futility of our efforts. And in times like these, there is usually so little that can be done to change the outcome.
Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit. - Edward Abbey (1927-1989)
Have you ever taken time out to sit back, relax and really evaluate your location in the schemes of life – evaluate the decisions you are taking, the steps you are taking, and think about where exactly you want them to take you. Have you ever sat down to listen to that quiet voice deep within, or to search the deep recesses of your soul? When was the last time you laid down on the grassy field, took a walk in the park, or watched the sun set? How many times have you listened to the ubiquitous chirping of crickets or the singing of birds?
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Want to know why? Taking some time off gets you the inspiration you need and refreshes you creativity. You’ll be able to breathe easier literally observing the freshness of the atmosphere. Even your body responds in a happy way – your blood circulation is boosted, a panacea to heart problems, and better immunity. Also, you get to reconnect and bond better with your family – spouse, kids, and friends. And those memories, you’ll always come to treasure and value for a very long time to come.
Beautiful Sunrise. Courtesy: |
“I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery—air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, "This is what it is to be happy.” - Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar
It is not enough to keep working and working and working, all year long. Go on a vacation. Notice the greenness of the vegetation. Observe the beauty of flowers. Marvel at the height of mountains, the broad flow of rivers, the vastness of the ocean, the constellations of stars on the night sky. Go on out on an adventure – a safari, mountaineering, bungee jumping, canoe sailing, boat cruise, etc. Or if you choose to, go out to the countryside. Get out of that hole and see the wonders of nature. Just have fun. It is indeed...a beautiful world out there.
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